Friday, August 17, 2012

Opinions Wanted

As of late I have been concentrating a lot on my training.  In this time I had decided to stop posting so much and then ended up stopping all together.  Mainly because I did not want everyone to see what I did on a daily basis....because I do not know many people who do this, and many times when I ask what others are doing I get vague answers.  These are my selfish reasons and may be invalid as a reason to not do it.  I say this because I know people look over this blog on occasion and I get awesome e-mails from people.  That is where I wonder what is best.  Because ultimately I know that my short term goal is winning the Games (which I need to make it to in order to have a chance)....but my long term goal is health and wellness and spreading that.

In conclusion...  I was wondering if I could get reasons why people read this blog, or why I should keep it up?  I want to see what drives people who look at this.  I feel I am coming to the conclusion to continue posting daily again, but am really wanting to hear form you.  Thank you in is what I have done today:

2012 Regional WOD 4:

50 Back Squat 135
40 pull ups
30 Push press 135
50 front squat 85
40 pull ups
30 push press 85
50 OHS 65
40 pull ups
30 Push press 65

My time

-later in the day-

Ladder Diane
Deadlift 225

My score
18 Rds + 17 Deadlifts

Nice little WOD.  I may be done for the day but who knows.


  1. You should keep posting on your blog because there is no one right way to train. There are many and I am sure you know that. Also, this is good for people who seek what top athletes like yourself are doing. So you missed out this past year, just keep doing what you say at the end of your writings, GET BETTER. I personally saw you compete in 11' where I was fortunate enough to compete on a team. You were in a tough region, you saw all them finish top 10 at the games. I also like that you use to blog about your nemesis lift, the deadlift... As bad as it sounds, I like to read about athlete's weaknesses, because we all have them and the only way to get better is to do them. Your blog can help many people that read it who are new to CF. I teach classes at cross fit xtra mile and send some of my clients to different athletes blogs just so they can read what kind of time it takes to be good at something and that everyone has there doubts. I think if you can stay healthy, not fall off the pull up bar during fran, which was the craziest shit I saw in a long time a while ago you will do just fine. Plus is gives me ideas for wods of course.

    1. ...if anything, leave some of the training out, but if someone does everything you do, they may not be working there weaknesses, therefore, not getting better of course.

  2. Nick - I hope you keep posting. It's interesting to see how an elite Crossfitter trains. It's nice to see that you guys are human as well... Good days and bad days, strengths and weaknesses, etc.

  3. Keep posting!

    I know a bunch of Aussies who used to check in here every couple of days to see what WODs you were doing, what strength cycle you were following. Its awesome to try and compare to a top athlete.

    As Cory said there is no 1 best way really, ask Froning, does what he wants, when he wants, follows no programming. Yet unbeatable.. Then others who follow Invictus, or CFNE, or Outlaw they all post daily. Everyone knows what there doing..

    We could all follow the exact same WODs and programming you did daily, still wouldn't make us as good or even close as you are. So I wouldn't be worried about people trying to match what you do.. its just fun to say hey, I did this WOD Urankar did last week, my time was about 14minutes slower though.. ;)

  4. Keep posting Nick, i check your blog every morning and it's been getting a bit boring reading the same post haha. I read it for inspiration, to see that games atheletes still have weaknesses to work on and can continually hit PB's is motivating.

  5. You are by far my favourite crossfit athlete. Your website is a source of inspiration, and motivates me to train and eventually compete. It also inspires creativity, to people to create their own nick urankar style workouts to be the best they can be

  6. I hope you keep posting and I hope you make it to the games next year. The Central East is a tough region to compete in.

    You should keep the blog up so that you can continue to inspire people outside your box.
