Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Celebrity Flag Football Game

This weekend in Indy was awesome. I got to see and meet a lot of celebrities and pro athletes. We got to do a WOD before the game, them watched the Fray, and got to go to the after party where Kady Perry performed and we "smoozed" with people. Like I said it was awesome. After the game and before the after party we headed out for a WOD. Here is how it went down:

Max Snatch 235 245 (Failed)

Max Power Clean 305 315 (Failed)


5 Min AMRAP into 5 Min to find Max Squat Clean
3 Squat Snatch 155 9 T2B

My score
6 Rds
305 Clean

for the Squat Clean I had the Clean up but was to far forward, same on the clean. On the WOD I failed 2 snatches in the first Rd and I was very happy with the 305 clean after the WOD. After this we did:

7 Rds
1 rope climb
6 shoulder to overhead 135
12 hand release push ups

My time 6:49

This was a crusher on the shoulders. Good day, then off to the party.

Today I did 1 WOD after getting home:

Axel bar deadlift
225 Burpees
Front squat 135

This was a rough but good WOD! Onward to Regionals!!


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