Monday, February 6, 2012

Open WOD 11.1, Main SIte and a Kid at my Squat Rack!

I got to the Box in the morning and had about 1 hour and a half to get some work in before heading to work.  I started with last years Open WOD.  It is hard to do this one because the 15's slide a lot on the bar because our clips are not very tight so they are constantly being adjusted.  With that being said:

10 Min AMRAP
30 DU's
15 Power Snatch 75#

After this I did a WOD with Adrian who was nice enough to jump in to do yesterdays Main Site WOD:

15 Min AMRAP7 Push Press 135
10 OHS 135
15 GHD's

I would love this WOD with a good GHD machine.  You stop mainly from pain in your ankles because there is no padding.  Still good.  Goal was to go unbroken with the barbell and I was able to do that except with some rest between movements.  After this I talked Adrian into a quick one:

5 Rds
5 Power Clean 135
10 Pull Ups

My time

I broke up my pull ups on RD 3 and 4 and the same with the cleans.  I was wanting unbroken...which just did not happen.  I then ran out out to the Globo Gym at lunch.  Started with a 500 M warm up on the Rower and then:

Tabata Sprints
12% Incline
9 MPH (Dropped to 8.5 MPH on Rd 6, the 7 and 8 I grabbed the handles)

This crushed me going at 9 MPH.  I felt like I fit right in holding them.  Then things turned sour.  I headed up to "My Spot" as I now call it.....and someone was in it!  A kid, with a belt on, was on the squat rack doing shoulder shrugs...the ONLY squat rack in this giant place.  Here comes the sour part.....I do not initiate conversation, but after 5 minutes of wanting to say something I did.  This kid was picking up 315 to do shrugs and looked like he was going to snap in half.  Then he added more weight and as he was breaking he dropped the weight.  I watched as he was taking the weight off and then it just came out, "Hey, I noticed something when you were picking up the weight.." and went on to explain a more proper way to lift it.  He agreed with me and then went on to say, but I am doing it this way because of what I am trying to work.....wait....weren't you doing shoulder shrugs?  Because that was not helping your shrugs.  I said, "well it is a good way to get injured doing that"  He went on to say people have said that to him and went into an elaborate explanation that made no sense as to why he would not do what I said.....I just nodded and said ok and went back to squatting:

Back Squat
355 x 3
355 x 3

I worked up to 355 x 3 and it felt light.  I was to scared to go heavier because I did not trust anyone there to spot, a nice guy did offer and I accepted but still did not feel comfortable going higher.  I plan to go for a back squat max soon.  That was it and I headed back to work.



1 comment:

  1. I did the open wod this past Saturday and completed 5 rounds then my shoulder just cramped out on me. I also did todays wod and finished 4 rounds. Going right into ohs is killer.
