Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Snatch PR 265!

Open is over and I think I officially finished 17th in the World and 3rd in the Region.  I am very happy with this and also with the work I got in today  I had a good training day thus far including a huge Snatch PR, I started with some Farmers Carries:

5 Rds
12 Farmers Carry 2 Pood 25ft
15 GHD Sit ups

My time

This was a grip burner and I loved it.  I then got some work done and decided to do some heavy Snatch last minute:

1 Rep Snatch

I was stoked to hit 265!  Here is the Vid:

I then hit a quad burning WOD.  Squat Snatch Isabel:

Squat Snatch Isabel 135#

My time
2:42 (PR)

I do not think this was a huge PR....but a PR none the less.  Now I have to go home and do some gardening.  I may go for a run but also may call it a day and keep the volume down.  I feel really good, but have things that need to get done as well.  Getting better and getting ready for REGIONALS!!!!

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