I did it....it took awhile....but I did it. I was there waiting for about 45 minutes until they could figure out I only wanted 2 months and that I would pay it all up front. Simple, well they wanted a non direct withdrawal fee and they they wanted me to pay bi-monthly.....I kept saying "I want to pay 2 months and be done, no billing, no contract." We ended up getting it worked out. So I was off:
2 Mile Run (14 Laps)
My time
Back Squat
225 x 20
7 Back Squat 225#
This felt good but I was so worried about getting in trouble that I was really nervous. Hopefully I get more comfortable in there within the next 2 months. I also deadlifted a little bit but after people staring at me while I was doing 315# I decided to wait until I was in the Box to deadlift. Still good to get some work in at lunch.
Nick, my wife and I recently had our first baby girl...resulting in me doing all my week day WODs at a Globo Gym on a college campus. I feel your pain. I get lots of looks, but I dish out just as many at all the people doing things with poor form or just plain strange exercises. I find myself doing tons of bodyweight WODs. Anyways, I look forward to hearing some good Globo Gym stories.