I had a good amount of time this morning to spend in the box. I wrote down what I wanted to do and did a good job of sticking to it. I was not very happy overall with my performance today but I did do a lot of MU's yesterday in 5-7 reps per attempt. I also did about 50+ strict/kip pull ups. So with my excuses out of the way:
1 Rep Snatch
Failed 245 but felt good. I was not very agressive but felt strong. Had 245 overhead but was not in a good position in the catch, Ill get 250 soon.
Open WOD 11.3
5 Min AMRAP 165 Clean & Jerk
My score
-2 Min Rest-
135 Squat Snatch
My score
-10 Min Rest-
6 Rds
5 MU's
5 Burpees
My time
I almost did not count the time because I was taking so long and really wanted to go unbroken on all the MU's. But, I was pretty fatigued at this point. And my lower back was on fire after the AMRAP's. Next I took about 15 Min after the last AMRAP:
Ring Dips
My score
These I started breaking 3's by the end. It was a overall good day, I did want to do Ring HSPU in between the MU's and the burpees but there was no room for me to have these set up and do. Tomorrow should be another good day filled with a lot of stuff to get ready for the Box opening.
Globo Gym at Lunch
I got to the gym and was going to run 3 miles but decided to hop on the rower:
1K Row
My time
I was not going to hard, but hard enough to make my but hurt. I then headed up stairs and went right into:
1 Mile Run (7 Laps)
Again, not fast but more or less just wanted to get a run in. I then headed to do a Main Site WOD:
EMOTM 10 Min
2 Shoulder Press
My weight
I used 155# the whole time and it got tough on my last couple sets. Overall not a bad quick time at the globo gym.
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