Today did not go as planned.....less time to train then I wanted and found out I now have to work on Thursday which cuts into training as well, got to make due with what you can. Soon I will be working in a Box all excuses then! But ill start with last night:
10 Rep Front Squat
255 x 10
275 x 10
275 was tough and my core gave out and I was collapsing on the last 2 reps. I then ate dinner and hit a WOD that my wife added a twist to:
15 min AMRAP:
Buy in Max Handstand Hold
Buy out Max Handstand Hold
10 Thrusters 45# DB's
10 KBS 1.5 Pood
My score
2:02 buy in
9 Rds + 4 Thrusters
:47 sec buy out
The clock started when I fell from the wall and then again right when time ran out. Shoulders were feeling it. The thrusters were the hardest part and mainly putting them down. Lower back was tight and setting them down on the living room floor had me trying to be as gentle as possible.
Now for today. I got to the gym, like I said later then I wanted. Started with:
Max Thruster (Regional Standards)
205 x 1
215 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
265 x 1 (FAILED)
I wanted 265 but I think this will not increase until my Push Press increases. I will have to work on that. When I finished the class was starting so I jumped in for the first time in awhile:
15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1 (Wore 20# Vest)
Deadlift 185
Ring Dips
My time
This was not really what I thought it would be. I hoped it would be a little longer and that I would be gassed but I felt fine afterwards...I guess that is good but I was hoping to be beat. I then jumped on the rower immediately after Wod:
500 M Row
then with a partner alternating, no rest except when they work:
2 MU's w/ Partner
I went through about 6 Rds and then I upped it to 3 for another 5-7 Rds. he started doing one at a time which limited my rest and I liked. I felt good and could have kept going but I had to head off to work. Heading to the gym at lunch for some interval sprints.
At lunch I ran up to the Globo Gym. Again I did something that is probably only seen on biggest loser. Jumping on and off the treadmill while it is still moving....and when that treadmill gets going it is loud when there are 20 other people on treadmills/elliptical:
Tabata Sprints
12 % Incline
8.5 MPH
Hurt like always and it was SOOOO loud....and like always the mirrors showed everyone staring at me. Having bright Orange shoes does not help draw attention away from me. I think they are getting to know who I am around that place. I got off the treadmill and walked right over to do you know what.....bench press....popped a squat right next to the guy doing incline flys:
225 x 5
225 x 4
155 x 7
135 x 11
I did these pretty quick and this was after doing some other stuff. My goal was to go at 155 to unbroken and then 135 into unbroken. Unfortunately, the guy on the flys could not hear me asking for a spot because of the headphones so I did my best without looking like an idiot and dropping the bar on my chest. After the bench:
1 Mile Run
I went at a comfortable pace and picked it up when a guy tried to pass me.....oh no "I DO CROSSFIT" I said in my head. To bad I was tired and felt like I was going faster then I was at this point and he was still close to me when I finished. Off to the showers and back to work.
I should not have time for anything tonight but plan to have a good time tomorrow!!
I started slower then what I normally do these at because it has been awhile.
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