Friday, December 23, 2011

Good Training day Yesterday

Sorry for no post yesterday.  I worked 13 hours on Wednesday and had my first day off in awhile yesterday.  I taught the AM class and then had to get a WOD in before heading home to watch Jada because her school is out for the holidays.  Here is the WOD I did with Karen:

2 Min AMRAP's (BB starts on the Ground)
Carry 205# BB overhead 20 FT
Carry Back 205#
Max pull ups in Remaining time
Carry 205# BB overhead 20 FT
Carry Back 205#
Max Clean and Jerks 205#
-2 Min Rest-
Carry 205# BB overhead 20 FT
Carry Back 205#
Max 55# DB Push Jerks
Carry 205# BB overhead 20 FT
Carry Back 205#
Max T2B
-2 Min Rest-
Carry 205# BB overhead 20 FT
Carry Back 205#
Max Deadlifts 205#

This was an awesome WOD and really got your grip.  You had to walk down and back and then with the remaining time you had to get as many reps possible with the movement listed. Then when the buzzer rang for the end of the 2 Min you went right back into the walks unless it was a rest time.  There was a lot of bending over and staring at the bar.  Karen smoked me in this WOD!

When I got home I took Jada out on a run:

Run to Notre Dame

It was so nice outside, especially for December, that I had to take Jada out on a run.  This was at a comfortable pace to just be outside.  Next I went back to the box with my wife and:

Warm up
Row 1 K

Deadlift 5 Rep
425 x 5

I worked up to 405 and it felt pretty easy.  Back stayed nice and tight.  Quads were still feeling it so I did not want to keep going up.  Then I did a WOD with Chels:

5 Rds
5 Power Snatch 135#
10 OHS 135#
20 Pull ups

My time

That is a guess for my time.  I did not write it down when I left but I know it was between 12:20 and 12:50.  I went slow and did a lot of talking.  I knew this would be tough but it was worse then what I thought.  Plus Jada was with us and she got fussy.  Chels stopped in between Rd 2 and 3 so that sucked, but it was tough for her after heavy deads.

I have to work early again today and could not force myself to get up early to hit a WOD.  I will not have to much time tonight because when I get home tonight I am taking Chels to Rush Chris for a holiday dinner together.  That will be nice!  Looking forward to the holidays and some more time when they are over to train.  It has been tough the last few weeks.  Get better in all circumstances, sometimes it is more mental.


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