I had a busy past 3 days with a lot of travel and fun. It started early on Wed morning when I headed out to Boston. I got picked up and me and James Hobart ate at a little burger place across from Fenway Park.....Boston is an amazing city. We then went to the box and I played with their sleds for a couple hours (we have no sleds) and I had fun while also getting spaghetti legs. After eating dinner at whole foods I got to meet up with everyone else that had made the trip over to Boston.
In the morning we did the 2010 Games WOD with Patrick Cummings taping us but first:
Heavy Power Clean x 1 (but not MAX)
7 Rds
3 Power Cleans 205#
4 Ring HSPU
My time
7 Something
I was actually so mad that I did not look at the clock. I was on pace for 4 minutes until Rd 6 where I had to break my HSPU. I then failed could not get my FINAL HSPU in Rd 7. I went to a stand still and it was the longest rep ever. It took nearly 3 minutes to get with at least 10 failed attempts. I learned a lot about technique. I always harp efficiency and technique and learned, since I really do not have a problem with HSPU, that my technique SUCKS I am just naturally good at them. I had James work with me and it is SOOO much easier when you use proper technique especially when you are fatigued.....good l figured this out...to bad it was after the WOD.
We had lunch and it was Paleo Thursday and they had a sweet Paleo chocolate desert....me and Phil Kniep Mealed on them! We then went into meetings and got to see a lot of cool stuff coming out! After this the girls shopped and I went back to work out....unfortunately alone. I did:
1 Rep Split Jerk (from the back)
275-295-315-335-345-355 (FAILED)
I failed 345 but knew I had it and the next attempt I nailed it! I was pumped!!!! After this Phil came to the box and we did a team WOD, which Kristen Clever and James were supposed to do but backed out at the last minute:
10 Min AMRAP (20 lb Vest)
5 pull ups each alternating
5 Wall balls each alternating
5 burpee box jumps 24' each alternating
This was a good WOD. We did this where I did 5 reps he did 5 and then we went to the next movement. It gave us rest but not much so we had to go unbroken the whole time. We did at least 12 Rds but we did not keep track. Good WOD. We had to leave real quick to get to dinner at a sweet restaurant! We ate the house and had a blast!
Many of them left early the next morning and I was able to make it to the Box for another Wod. I started with:
Work to heavy Clean & Jerk
EMOTM 10 Min 1 Clean & Jerk
My weight
275 was a good weight but a little light. We did power cleans the entire time but on the 295 I squat cleaned it (the girls, Elyse and Angie did this with me). James then came into the box and we did a good WOD:
5 Rds (20# Vest)
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24'
10 SDHP 95#
10 Thrusters 95#
-1 Min Rest-
My time
Total time including rest is your score. This WOD was much worse then how it looks on paper....especially with a vest. It was very uncomfortable. Not a fan! Great WOD! I had to now rush to the airport to catch my flight home. Overall the trip was great, short, but great. I would have liked some more training while we were there but it was tough with the times we had and me always trying to get someone to work out with me was tough. Excited for the next trip!
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