I got up, played with Jada for a minute and then hit the box. I had an idea of what I wanted to do but with my back still really tight I was not sure how much i would get through:
1 Rep Max Snatch
185 -195 - 205 - 215 - 225 - 235(FAILED 3x)
I was not feeling to confident in the bottom today and I had the bar to far out front so I had to keep leaning into it. i was not to happy about that and also had 235 over head easy but i could not stick it. Next time! Then:
Squat Snatch Isabel 135#
My time
I FAILED the first rep and then another one in the 20's. It felt light and I was not exploding through the hips so I was not being very efficient. I was hoping for sub 2:45...but not today. I LOVE THIS WOD. really tough! I decided to stop here and wait for the class. I warmed up with the class and got to do a team WOD with Chels:
15 min AMRAP: 3 person Team WOD
Each person is at a station until the person on rower hits 250 M then you rotate:
250 M Row
Max Hand Release Push ups
Max 2 Pood KBS
Score was max Push ups and KBS. This was a good WOD to just keep moving. I am not sure what my score was but I liked being able to work out with my wife. Always fun. I am not sure what is on the agenda tonight but it will be a Met-con or Vest run after work.....not sure yet.
When I got home:
Unbroken EMOTM until FAILURE
Increase 1 rep every minute of each movement
Ground to Overhead 30# DB (did not touch ground because I have wood floors where I did this)
My score
12 Rds + 3 HSPU
I was not sure if I would get 12 HSPU unbroken but I did it.....13 was out of the question. Good WOD before bed. Hope to get Santora in tomorrow morning! Looking forward to that WOD.
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