I was able to travel out to Columbus, OH on Tuesday and Wednesday to get some training in with Dan Bailey, with appearances from Mikko Salo and David Ulmer. When I got there Dan and Mikko had just finished a WOD....bummer...but Dan was nice and hit one with me anyway:
EMOTM 10 Min
290# x 2 Band Speed Deadlifts
We used a large band and small band to add resistance and went for speed. This was the first time I have used bands for Deadlifts. Next:
EMOTM 4 Med Ball Shouldering 100# (2 on rt, 2 on lt)
Finish when 100 burpees is completed with remaining time in the minute
My time
This was the only WOD that Dan and I went head to head, but like I said he had JUST finished a WOD with Mikko so I felt for him on this one. After this we grabbed lunch and then when we got back:
EMOTM 15 Min 185# x 2 Squat Snatch
I thought about going heavier once we got going but this was used more like a form development. As the WOD went on I got into a groove but at about Min 9-10 I failed a rep. Not happy but I let the bar get to far out inform of me. Next:
5 Rds
1 Min Max Wall Balls
1 Min Max 1.5 Pood KB Walking lunges
1 Min 2 Pood KBS
-1 Min Rest-
I really liked this set up. We each started on a different movement and all rested at the same time. The walking lunges were new and brutal. Great WOD. In the morning we met up with Mikko and did some squatting:
5 sets x 5 Front Squat
315 x 5
315 x 4 (FAILED 5)
305 x 5
305 x 5
305 x 5
Was feeling it in the quads once finished. Dave Ulmer came in and we hit a WOD, Mikko sat out. The set up was the same as the night before:
5 Rds
1 Min Max 30# Med Ball Slam
1 Min Max 95# Axel Bar Clean and Jerk
1 Min Max Distance Farmers Walk 115-135# on each side
-1 Min Rest-
-2 Min Rest-
2 Min 95# Barbell hold
Again we did not keep reps....but I will say the grip was shot at the end. The barbell hold was awesome and I had to drop once took about 5 sec and picked it back up.....horrible on the shoulders! We went and got lunch and then came back for more:
2 Rds
1 Min Max Calorie Row
1 Min Max GHD Sit ups
-1 Min Rest-
1 Min Max calorie Row
1 Min Max 35# DB squat clean thrusters
-1 Min Rest-
AGAIN, no reps kept track of but my calories were 27-27-26-25. Then we did something stupid and painful:
5 Rds
:20 L-Sit hold on Rings
-:40 Rest-
Rds 4 and 5 I broke at about :15 sec on 4 and then :10 on the final Rds
This was the end and the part after lunch was just Dan and I. I ended up heading home and then woke up taught the class and then Alex Griff came down from Chicago to hit some WODs with me. We had a packed day:
5 Rep Deadlift
435 x 5
Started over my 5 rep last week at 425, next week 445 x 5. After this:
2 Squat cleans 245#
Failed in Rd 4 and dropped to 235 and then failed after 5 and dropped to 225# to finish. On this WOD he did 2 reps I did 2 and we kept switching. Your rest was there work. A good WOD and the quads were on fire. Next:
Main Site
25 GHD
1 MU
20 GHD
2 MU
15 GHD
3 MU
10 GHD
4 MU
5 MU
My time
I was not able to go unbroken on all the GHD's, and I broke up my 5 MU 2-3.....I am not sure why, I just dropped for some reason. Not a very fast time, but ok for how I was feeling....then:
We did a WOD from the competition we are hosting on Saturday....I cannot post it but it was a great one! Take my work on it. Finally:
5 Rds
MU to 10 Ring Dips
30 ft down and back 45# Overhead plate walking lunge
30 Hammer swings 12# (15 each arm)
My time
This took a lot longer then I thought it would. All in all a great day and few days! Getting better!
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