Yesterday plans changed....instead of going to the was gym Jada was sick so I stayed home from work with her. It was not to fun being forced to stay in your house....much different when you can leave if you choose to but choose not to. I just wanted the choice to leave. I was able to get 1 WOD in while she napped:
6 Rd
5 burpees
10 KBS 2 Pood
15 Air Squats
My time
Not bad....but really didnt do it for me but sometimes thats how it goes. Today was a better training day. After teaching the class:
20 Rep OHS Max
My weight
I was happy with 195 and decided to just post it as my score even though it is very early. Here is the video:
Then I did a WOD with 2 of the girls who stayed after class and joined me:
5 Rds
30 FT 335# Barbell carry
60 FT 90# DB Farmers Walk
30 FT 335# Barbell carry
120 FT 60# Sandbag shuttle
My time
Then I did the class WOD:
For Time (wearing a 25# Vest)
400 M Run
5 Rds
15 Jump Squats
10 Strict pull ups
400 M Run
My time
Shoulder Press 5 Rep Max
Push Press 3 Rep Max
185-195-205-215-225-235-245 (2)
I failed my third rep on the 245....not happy about that. The final WOD was a good finisher:
9 Rds
9 GHD Sit ups
9 Box Jumps 30'
9 Front Squats 135#
My time
Pretty good day and hoping to be able to get something in tomorrow, not sure if that will happen though because I work open to close. We will see!
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