Monday, February 13, 2012

It's My Birthday

I got an early wake up from Jada right after Chels went to the gym for the 5:30 AM class.  SO we were up together....had coffee (not her me) and then a carrot cake with shredded walnuts and raisins on it that my wife made the night before...from scratch and Gluten Free...other then the homemade frosting that she put on.  It was awesome.  At about 8 I took her to school and then headed to the box where I have a little time before work:

5 Rds
7 Squat Clean Thrusters 135#
7 Ring HSPU

My time

Well.....Ring HSPU are much harder then regular HSPU and this did a number on me.  I was breaking them up from the get o trying to get 4-3 the whole time.  Rd 4 and 5 did not go as planned...nonetheless a good WOD.  After this I did the class WOD after messing around in the Hand Stand and doing walks:

30 Snatches 135#

My time

I was hoping to PR from the last time I did this a long time ago and got 1:55.  I was mad because the clips came off the bar and I had to fix them 3 times.  It happens but I had thought before we started to double clip them...guess I will next time.  It also turns into a muscle snatch at the end of the WOD. 

After this I headed home to get ready for work.  Not to much fun to work on your will be once 061 opens though.  I am so excited.  last day of work is Feb 24th and then full time towards opening the Box!!!


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday and good luck with the Box opening! :)
    I hope you're gonna document it on youtube and/or here.
