Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Increased Work Hours = Less Time

Well,  I am now required to work 6 days a week and 2 days I have to travel out to a store over an hour from home to help out.  Yesterday I was there and it was a long day.  I was able to get to the box early and get some work in, no time to day though:

You Challenge: 7 Rds
7 Push Jerk
7 Burpees
7 C2B Pull ups

This was a shoulder burner and it hurt a lot more then I thought it was.  I jumped right into it without warming up.  Plus, the pull ups bar was like ice and it was painful to do pull ups really slowing them down.  After this:

Shoulders were pretty shot and I worked up to 225# but could not hit it even though I attempted it about 6 times.


EMOTM 10 Min
10 GHD Sit ups

This was not bad yesterday but I am feeling it today.  They get me every time.  I then went to deadlift before having to head out, normally this is a Thursday thing for me but I have a comp on Sunday so I wanted to get some GHD Sit ups in and deadlifts in early in the week.....otherwise I could have potentially been wrecked.

Deadlift 5 Rep Heavy
405 x 5
415 x 5

I worked up to a heavy 5 but nothing to kill me.  Next week I will start a quick cycle to prep for a comp in January that is a SERIOUS one in Indy.  Next weekend is more of a prep for some volume and see how I am in the competition atmosphere.  It will be a lot of fun!


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