Saturday, January 25, 2020

Pay Yourself First

Just PR'd my 5K Run on the Assault Runner.  Old PR 25:51.

Time Today:

I know I am not great at running but I am getting much better and plan to be much more competitive this year!

Now I had some more training but this isn't a post about that.  It is going to be about money.

If you know me then I can go a little overboard when chatting about this, yet I still do because so many people struggle to talk about it.  There is a lot out there and it is fairly simple to start, yet starting is the hardest.

I started saving in my early 20's as college was ending and I got my first job.  It wasn't east, and my wife and I talked about it all the time (mainly because I wouldn't stop talking about it).  Over the past 10-12 years I have always made saving a priority and doing it even when there wasn't much to save.

Many people think we have always had a high income so we have money because of that.  The secret I want to tell you is not that.  The secret was we did not have a spending problem.

See, most people dont save because they plan to later, dont have enough money, or dont know how.  The truth is everyone will always spend all the money they earn even if it fluctuates.  You will always spend exactly what you make, and if you have credit...even more.

If you don't know what your money is doing sit down and figure it out.  Ask someone to do it with you.  If someone you know is very good at money, have them help you.  They would love to, I would love to.  Once you get the ball rolling and keep it rolling it is amazing what can happen.

That is all for now.  Start paying yourself first and control your spending.  Your future self will thank you!

Nick Urankar

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