Thursday, July 17, 2014

Front Squat PR

Ended up hitting a Front Squat PR 2 days ago and have been consistantly hitting some pretty big numbers.  I am excited about that but believe some of it has to do with low volume so my body is pretty recovered.

2 Rep Front Squat 
395 x 2


1 Rep Push Jerk
335# (stopped here, felt good though)


E:45 for 15 Rds
275 Push Jerk x 2


5 Min AMRAP:
10 alternating KB Snatch 70$
10 Burpees

My score
4 Rds + 2 Burpees

I ended up talking Miguel into hitting this with me after a class an hour later

20 Min AMRAP:
1 Deadlift - 1 Clean - 1 Front Squat - 1 Jerk

My score
32 Rds

This is always nasty.  Felt good that I got some decent training in.


Yesterday's training looked like this

1 Rep Snatch
265# (Failed 285 even though I caught it in the bottom)  shoulders were pretty shot

-then did-

5 Rds
6 Power Snatch 135#
10 Burpees over Bar

My time

This was much harder then I thought.

2 Rep Back Squat
445 x 2

I ended up jumping in with the athlete camp and did:

EMOTM 15 Min:
1 Clean + 2 Front Squats


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