Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WOD Rogue Fitness and Tin Man

Yesterday was a good day, Happy Valentine's Day to my wife.  We enjoyed A LOT of Sea Food and some Dairy queen as a desert together....not Paleo and very good! 

I did a few WODs before that though.  There was a WOD that I saw a few days ago that Graham's box posted and it looked like a good burner.  So I hit some heavy squat cleans and then went into the WOD after the 5:30 AM class:

Max Squat Clean
265 x 1
275 x 1
285 x 1
295 x 1 (FAILED)

295 felt like a ton and I was not feeling like it was going to happen so I quit there and got ready for:

15 Min AMRAP
4 Ring DIps
8 Toes 2 Bar
12 Push Press 75#

My score
15 Rds + 8 T2B

I went unbroken the whole way but I took my time from movement to movement.  The push presses got easier as the WOD went on which was though my Delts are FRIED from them! Next:

For Time
1 K Row
10 MU's

I rowed in 3:32 which felt comfortable on the least as comfortable as you can feel on a rower.  but the MU's were rough.  I had to break it up into 4 sets.  Not sure how much the first one took out of me but after 3 MU's it go rough.  I then headed out for breakfast and then came back for another WOD:

Tin Man
5 Rds
5 Power Clean 205
5 Bench Press 205

My time

This felt easier then last time (4:36) but I had a push then.  I broke up the bench in Rds 4 and 5 and only did touch and go in Rd 1 then dropped ever rep.  I need to get this one unbroken soon.  I will keep working towards that.  I then did some weighted pull ups but without adequate rest there was not much left in the shoulders.  I then headed out for meetings and some rest time before Valentine's Day.

Today is a rest day but I had a trainer from the Globo Gym ask if I could pout him through a WOD so that will be today....which is going to be not underestimate CrossFit bud!


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