Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Top Gun and Snatch PR!

I had the day off and went to the Box with a few WODs I wanted to hit and they felt great! I started with a Main Site WOD from a few days ago:

Main Site 20 Min AMRAP
250 M Row
25 push ups

My score
11 Rds

I took about 15-20 Minutes and then hit the Air Force WOD but used 135#.  I did this with Adrian and tried to keep up with him with him using 95#.....did not really happen that way, but fun none the less:

Top Gun 135#
4 burpees EMOTM until completing the following
20 Thrusters
20 Push Jerk
20 OHS
20 Front Squat

My time

I took a decent rest and then decided to snatch.  My upper back and chest were really tight but I decided to give it a go even though I was not sure I would be able to do to much...I was wrong:

Snatch Max

I failed at 235 but threw it up easy so I moved to 245 and nailed it.  255 was up but I was a little wide in the bottom and could not stand with it.  Pumped for this next time I do this. 

245 above
255 (Failed) below

After this I had lunch and then went home for a run:

Run around Trinity

I used my new shoes today that I got in Boston and they were awesome.  I decided to call it a day.  I am taking off tomorrow with a long day at work and then hitting a few WODs on Thursday.  We are starting our competition group and starting team WODs.   I will be using this and the people their as Games prep and have them be my Rabbits.  There is a good one planned that night that I am excited for.....I am excited for the Games season and my prep leading up to it....the journey is always the best part, I agree!!!!


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