Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All before 11 AM

I finished coaching the 5:30 class and started by doing a short little "obstacle course" AMRAP with Karen from the class. She loves what I call "Blue Collar" CrossFit.  Hammers, Tires, Farmers Walks, Sand Bags,  ect.....  So many times I will create something after class for her.  This was one of those days:

6 box jumps (lined up, you jump on one-off-on-off until you get through all 6 boxes)
10 Hammer Swings on tire (10 ea side)
30 Ft Bear crawl
Sprint 1st box

My score
5 Rds + 5 Swings

Then I did a WOD from Brian Yoak:

Back Squat 225#
HSPU 5 inch depth

My time

The HSPU were no joke and I did singles on the last set of 10.  This was all HSPU, the BS was not bad with the rest on the HSPU.  After this I did heavy push Jerk,  my shoulders were fried so I could not get 305#.  295# was the heaviest I got but I feel I should be able to get 325#.....it has to be done to count though..  Next:

Main Site from other day
10 Min AMRAP
15 Wall Balls
1 Rope Climb 15 FT

My score
10 Rds + 3 Wall Balls

Lats felt like they were going to explode from the previous stuff.  I had to break my wall balls after Rd 5 into 2 sets a Rd.  Felt good on the rope though....I am getting much more efficient.  I was planning to do Front Squat ladder but decided to hold off on that since I did 55 Back Squats at 225#.  So that was going to be it.....until....I got asked to do a CrossFit Football WOD, I could not say no:

5 Clean & Push Press 185 (I scaled up from 155#)
5 Ring Dips

My score
7 Rds

I liked this but took my time and went pretty gingerly through the WOD.  Clips were not staying on until about Rd 4 Chels and Carl added clips so I could stop fixing the bar after a couple lifts.  That was it for the day and it was all done before 11 AM.  Pretty happy about that.  The rest of the day now to spend time with the family.


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