Sunday, November 28, 2010


It has been awhile since I have done the WOD Cindy.....long enough that I cannot even remember. I will also say I have never done it RX'd. I never used to do correct pull ups and would not go down all the way on my push ups. This was the first time doing strict work and having a legit score. I did this WOD after first doing one I have wanted to do for awhile:

9 - 6 - 3:

Thrusters 165#

My Time:

Cindy was next:

20 Min AMRAP:

5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats

My Score:
27 Rds + 4 Push ups

Took some time after this to rest and then hit some heavy Snatch
8 x 2

135# x 2
145# x 2
155# x 2
165# x 2
175# x 2
185# x 2
195# x 2 (Failed rep 1)
195# x 2 (Failed rep 1)

After the Snatches I tried a new type of running. Tabata sprints on the treadmill:

8 MPH at 12% Grade. This was tough and will continue to do these.....working myself up in speed and length.

Great overall day!!


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