Sunday, November 7, 2010


Well......if finally came time for Barbara, I would say I have attempted her numerous times always ending early.  She is just not a WOD I am fond of.  But today Chelssie and I embarked on the journey to Barbara.  If it wasn't for her doing it along with me, who knows what would have happened.

Before Barbara I wanted to try a WOD from the Mid Atlantic Hopper Challenge going on this weekend in Balimore.  I signed up for it but was to late to get in.  They had a select amount of people so by the time I signed up I was placed on the waiting list....never to get off.  One of the WODs was:

3 Min AMRAP 225# Back Squat


I got 44, the top amount was 55.  not really my wheelhouse but I will take it and learn from it.  Next came Barbara:

5 Rds (3 minute rest between time, add all time together for final time0

20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Air Squats


Next came another WOD from the Hopper.....very sort but good:

500M Row
44 DU's


I am not sure what the times were for the competition but I will try to find out soon to see where I stood.  Other then that it was my cheat day and I had a huge milk shake!  Got the garage cleaned out and leaves raked and spent time with the beautiful family!  I have the life!


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